
María Parra Trio

María Parra Trio
Producer: María Parra

Where to listen to it

Where to buy it

Dedicated CD (12 tracks): from € 15.00
Dedicated vinyl (9 tracks): from € 35.00
Collection of cards of all the paintings by Alfonso Parra + QR code to platforms + poems by Clara Parra: from € 15.00


1. Clouds
2. Carrusel
3. Il pleut sur Paris
4. Viajeros del viento
5. Spring ballad
6. Delfines
7. Aerial View
8. Deep Ocean
9. Take it easy
10. This is the Question
11. Avalon
12. Big Bang

Works composed by María Parra.
Interpreted by:
  • María Parra, piano
  • Miguel Rodrigáñez, double bass
  • Gonzalo Maestre, drums


Intuition is a journey through all the possible states of living (introspection, longing, melancholy, flowing and letting go, greening, being playful, meditating, letting yourself be carried away by passion, taking it easy, surrendering to the fact that Life rules, the power of the feminine) with the final message that happiness is provided to us if we know how to guide ourselves with our INTUITION, which is the whisper of the divine.

Es el título del primer disco de esta formación (y quinto de María). A finales de 2020, justo recién lanzado VISION, el primer disco como autora de María Parra, surge la necesidad de retomar el universo de la música moderna y el jazz, que estudió en el Taller de Músics de Barcelona, y aunarla a la música que gravitaba en su mundo creativo. “El proyecto surge como suceden estas cosas, como un flash en mi interior. Me vi diciéndome que quería llevar mi música al formato de trío de jazz, el formato para mí ideal, ya que aúna lo mejor de la libertad del jazz y el formato más clásico de la música de cámara. En él la intimidad del pianista y creador es perfectamente completada por la triada que forma con la base rítmica del contrabajista Miguel Rodrigáñez y el batería Gonzalo Maestre”. Así es como con esta “intuición” surge el proyecto María Parra Trío que se plasma, al fin, en un disco muy meditado y rodado tras casi 3 años de pisar los escenarios de festivales y clubs prestigiosos del país.

It is the title of the first album of this group (and María’s fifth). At the end of 2020, having just released VISION, María Parra’s first album as a composer, the need arose to return to the universe of modern music and jazz, which she studied at the Taller de Músics in Barcelona, and combine it with the music that gravitated to her creative world. “The project emerges like these things happen, like a flash inside me. I found myself telling me that I wanted to take my music to the jazz trio format, the ideal format for me, since it combines the best of the freedom of jazz and the more classic format of chamber music. In it, the intimacy of the pianist and creator is perfectly completed by the triad that she forms with the rhythmic base of the double bassist Miguel Rodrigáñez and the drummer Gonzalo Maestre.” This is how with this “intuition” the María Parra Trio project emerged, which is finally reflected in a very thoughtful album recorded after almost 3 years of hitting the stages of prestigious festivals and clubs in Spain.


You can download the pdf of the dossier at this link.

Como olas del mar
me sanas y acunas,
dulce corchea

Melodía azul
que inspiras y guías,
brilla mi interior

Ramas abiertas
arpegios al viento
savia de mi ser

—Clara Parra


Intuition is available in two formats:

  • CD (12 tracks) with 16-page interior booklet in English and Spanish
  • vinyl (9 tracks) with inner sleeve in English and Spanish

The cover and pictorial work of the singles are paintings from the Sessions series by ©Alfonso Parra.



Carrusel evokes the inner child within us, the innocence of childhood. The memories of being happy on a carousel where time stopped. There are also adults who like to ride a carousel, perhaps to regain the joy of the child they once were.


Il pleut sur Paris

Viajeros del viento

Viajeros del viento, a song that María Parra originally composed for solo piano and that appeared on her album VISION (Warner Music, 2020), now adapted to a trio format and of which there is a delicious version with the duo Fetén Fetén.

It is a theme that represents the uncertainty and unexpected turns of life. It begins with a beautiful intro of Miguel Rodrigáñez’s double bass, with a dreamlike and evocative background.


Spring ballad

Spring ballad was composed by María Parra in the early spring of 2022, when the days were lengthening and we were emerging from the winter lethargy.



Delfines pays tribute to dolphins, those fascinating beings that sail the seas with grace and beauty. The piece captures the essence of freedom and elegance that we associate with these intelligent sea creatures. Who does not keep in their retina the beautiful image of these mammals arriving on the shores of Venice at the time of confinement due to the pandemic back in 2020?


Aerial View

Music with a meditative nature that makes us take our feet off the ground and fly. A piece with new age overtones and jazzy echoes that evokes the vision of the earth from the sky and how small the human being is in the middle of the Galaxy.


Deep Ocean

Take it easy

This is the Question


Avalon is the name of a legendary island in Celtic mythology where female magicians lived. It is said that King Arthur went to die there and that his half-sister, Morgana, still watches over his body today. This song begins with some Celtic airs that evoke the mist that surrounds the island, to unleash itself in a musical gallop with an apotheotic ending.

Theme dedicated to all the caregivers ❤️


Big Bang

According to the traditional definition, Big Bang is the explosion from which the universe was created. This song, which draws from sources such as rock, pop, blues or jazz, has an introduction setting us in a cinematographic scene (diegetic music) in which this theme emerges from a vinyl, confusing us between fiction and reality.


Néctar fragante
que entrelazas acordes
cual sarmiento añil

—Clara Parra


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